
What is success if it does not include laughing often, loving deeply, appreciating the touch of another, seeing the best in others, and giving more to the world than you take?
What a marvel is the smallest blade of grass, the wind on your skin, and your dog's loving eyes!
Have you found that you've unknowingly given your time away to things you don't value and information that profits others?
Now is the time to develop a daily practice that cultivates your awareness. Disguards your fears, and improves your joy.
I am not talking about another productivity hack or method. Productivity will only get you more stuff in cute little technological boxes. To bring health and joy into your everyday life, there are three areas to focus on:
- Your Body:
Movement is primary, and proper fuel (nutrition: primarily plants) and recovery (sleep, kinetic chain maintenance) are also important.
- Your Mind:
Your ability to focus your attention, build awareness (emotionally and intellectually), personalized algorithms (systems & environments) on top of our existing neurobiological hardcoded ones - (whether this be simple habits or complex skill-based routines for success, or even creating space(s) that offer solitude, calm, distraction-free working and playing environments)
- Your Joy:
All of the above are worthless if your life is devoid of Joy—or what I think of as Play. As animals, we learn to be our best through play, and repeated actions bring us "flow: optimal experience" and leave us feeling closer to ourselves and others.
Our challenge is to rein in our fears using our conscious awareness to design and develop personalized strategies of Digital Resilience: - robust, holistic methodologies that protect your attention and time and are driven by your values.
But first, you must know where you are - how deep a hole have you dug yourself?
How much "attention debt" do you have?
Is your addiction so bad that you cannot go a day?
A week? Or even a month
Everyone has heard of intermittent fasting regarding food - for our bodies, right?
- What about our minds?
Break your addiction to dopamine hits - by turning everything NOT essential OFF - I mean everything - for a day or multiple days.
If this seems impossible, ask yourself the following questions:
If your job is in knowledge work -
- Do you feel like your mind (life) has been hijacked or infected with distracting attention-sucking purpose-built algorithms leveraging your biology for profit?
Do you chastise yourself for spending hours on TikTok, Instagram, or other sites?
Are you endlessly responding to external requests - likes, emails, shares, etc.?
Was there ever a time when you felt technology served you more than you it?
We build the machines. And although we have limited free will, we can create positive reinforcing environments and conditions to flourish.
The first step is to begin to take back control of your mind.
Build your algorithms(systems and operating environments, both figuratively and even literally) to harness the power you have to control your attention.
Bring awareness to everything you are and do.